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 Public Engagement Assistant (Alumni Coordinator) at May, 2023 at U.S. Embassy May, 2023

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I. Alumni Projects and Initiatives (40% of time)

Directs initiatives for sustained engagement with EV and EOL alumni in support of Mission goals. Recommends grants and public-private partnerships to amplify U.S. government (USG) investments through alumni engagement. Pursues opportunities for alumni program funding from Department of State (DOS) and
private-sector entities; creates and maintains partnerships with local and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to support alumni activities and further public-private partnerships that meet Mission goals for outreach to priority audiences. Works with the EOL Specialist and the EV Specialist to organize pre-departure orientations and briefings for
exchange participants that emphasize future alumni engagement; participates in debriefs with participants at the conclusion of exchange programs. Facilitates and supports the creation of countrywide networks of alumni from all EV and EOL activities and exchanges; plans and implements innovative activities to maintain substantive
contact with those alumni. Organizes in-person and virtual activities and forums for EV and EOL alumni and supports their future programs and funding applications.
Encourages greater participation by alumni in sharing their U.S. experiences and giving back to their communities. 

II. Strategic Planning, Analysis, and Evaluation (30% of time) Designs and actively plans at least one year in advance a strategic plan for alumni outreach and activities. Under the supervision of the EOL Specialist or PAO designee and in consultation with the EV Specialist and other Public Diplomacy (PD) staff and the DOS Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs’ (ECA) Alumni Affairs Office, is responsible for promoting greater contact with and cooperation among alumni of USG exchange programs. Integrates USG alumni engagement into all Mission programming. Identifies the EV and EOL communities in which exchanges have the greatest impact on Mission goals, using demographic statistics, public opinion polling, and analysis of communication and language abilities, and advises the EOL Specialist or PAO designee and other PD staff. Scope of planning includes DOS alumni programs; separate, Mission-specific alumni initiatives; and strategies to identify and create Tanzanian partnerships for joint sponsorship and activities. Many of these programs require at least one year of lead time to conceive the project, identify partners, develop Notices of Funding Opportunity (NOFOs) to solicit proposals from potential partner organizations and grant proposals to obtain funding, and select and prepare candidates prior to implementation. Assesses previous activities to fine-tune projections for planned initiatives; identifies project objectives, assessment methods, and outcomes. Designs marketing strategies to promote alumni activities. Reviews and makes recommendations on grant and cooperative agreement proposals for alumni programs submitted by Tanzanian alumni and U.S. entities.  

III. Administrative Functions (20% of time) Budgeting and Financial Resources: Prepares and monitors the annual and individual project budgets for alumni initiatives. Contributes to the overall PD annual budget submission in consultation with the EOL Specialist or PAO designee and the Resource Coordination unit.
Fundraising: Works with the PAO or PAO designee and other PD staff on PAO-led fundraising for countrywide EV and EOL exchange alumni programs.
General: Maintains required office records and files and ensures that EV and EOL exchange alumni activities are recorded in PD Tools and contact databases. Drafts office correspondence in English and Swahili, including cables, event proposals, and evaluation reports. Provides interpretation and translation between English and Swahili when required.

IV. Intra- and Interagency Coordination (10% of time) Develops strong working contacts with Mission offices and agencies to include alumni of all Mission exchanges targeting priority EV and EOL exchanges. Identifies and recruits Mission experts to participate in EOL and EV alumni engagement activities and initiatives. Advises and collaborates with the Strategic Content Coordination (SCC) team to repurpose EOL and EV sector alumni content for use with other Mission priority audiences. Develops and organizes opportunities for Mission officers to engage with alumni networks on priority issues, in coordination with PD colleagues. Collaborates with PD colleagues on virtual activities and to support community engagement, multigenerational alumni enrichment, and mentoring activities with like-minded groups of exchange alumni.

Note: This position description in no way states or implies that these are the only duties to be performed by the incumbent. The incumbent will be required to perform other duties as assigned by the agency.


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